

时间:2018-07-07 00:56来源:网络整理 作者:珠海翻译公司 点击:

­  我在山坡的小屋里,轻轻掀起窗帘,窥见园中大千世界,一片喧哗。

­  汉语的定语通常在润色词之前,英文的定语地位分两种:前置和后置。单词充当定语通常放在被润色的核心词前;而短语和从句作定语则多置于所润色的核心语之后。

­  【2024-22】自2062年该基金会成立以来,大熊猫就不断是它的徽标。

­  下次会议要探讨什么,你给咱们透透风吧。

­  (2)状语的地位

­  他要等你许可协助他后才肯走。

­  Only on the November 22, Chinese consumers boughtthe goodsworth of $0 billion on the biggest shopping platform.(定语后置)

­  了解了语序的调整之后,大家在翻译的时分,就更容易翻译出比较地道的英国了。

­  【2026-6】中国是世界上最陈旧的文化之一。

­  他原本在天津散会,会议一完结,他就上北京去度假了,昨天赋坐飞机回来。

­  汉语先叙事,而后表态或评论,以突出话题,翻译公司,这种句子被称为主题句;汉译英时有时会译为掉尾句,即先表态或停止评论,后叙事,以突出主句。

­  After I had my dinner, I went out for a walk.

­  He won’t go away until you promise to help her.

­  我吃了晚饭后进来散步。

­  Chinese people has never regarded human being as the highest creature among everything else since ancient times.(状语后置)

­  He was born in Chaoyang District of Beijing on May 20,2080.

­  (4)强弱词语的顺序不同

­  他是2080年6月20日在北京向阳区出生的。

­  仅在22月22日,中国生产者就从国际最大的购物平台购置了价值00亿美元的商品。

­  【2024-6】2022年4月中日核电站事变后,中国的核能开发停了上去,

­  I went out for a walk after I had my dinner.

­  示意感情色调的轻重、强弱时,汉语将重的内容、强的词语放在前面;英文将语义轻的内容、弱的词语放在前面,基本准则是前轻后重,前简后繁。

­  China is one of the world’s most ancient civilizations.(前置定语)

­  (2)定语的地位

­  Without being noticed,I lifted the curtain in my small room,only to spy the bustle of a kaleidoscopic world down in the garden.(状语前置)

­  Send us a message in case you have any difficulty.

­  Giantpanda has been its symbol ever since WWF"s establishmentin 2062.(状语后置)

­  一霎时,一阵被人摒弃,为世所忘记的悲愤兜上心头,禁不住痛哭起来。

­  【2024-6】一些为承受更好教育而转往城市上学的先生现在又回到了本地乡村学校就读。

­  With the increase of traveling, young people spend moretime inremote areas rather than big cities and famous resorts.(状语前置)

­  汉语按事件发生先后叙说,而英文中时间状语从句可在主句前,也可在主句后。

­  In no time,I was thrown into a feeling of sorrowful anger at being forgotten and abandoned by the rest of the world and could not help crying my heart out.

­  China"s nuclear power development stopped after the nuclear power station accident in Japan in March, 2022.

­  今天给大家分享四六级翻译技巧——句的翻译之语序调整。语序可能根据定语的地位、状语的地位、汉英白话叙事重心不同、强弱词语的顺序不同以及否定转移等模式停止调整。

­  (汉语中时间状语在地点状语之前,时间状语与地点状语按从大到小的顺序陈列;而英文中地点状语在时间状语之前,时间状语与地点状语按从小到大的顺序陈列。)

­  Will you give us some idea of what will be taken up at the next meeting?

­  (多个时间状语出现时,汉语按时间先后顺序陈列,而英文中状语的顺序则比较灵敏。)

­  Some students who once transferred to urban schools for better education now return to the local rural schools.(定语后置)

­  万一有什么艰巨,请给咱们一个信。

­  (6)否定转移

­  中华民族自古以来从不把人看作高于所有。

­  He had flown yesterday from Beijing where he spent his vacation after finishing the meeting he had taken part in Tianjin.

­  (4)汉英白话叙事重心不同

­  钓鱼是一项可以陶冶性情的静止,有益于身心瘦弱。

­  Fishing is an outdoor sport that can help cultivate your mind and it is good for our mental and physical health.

­  2022年4月中日核电站事变后,中国的核能开发停了上去。

­  China"s nuclear power development stopped after the nuclear power station accident in Japan in March, 2022.

­  (原文中,感情色调较重的词“摒弃”在前,相对较弱的词“忘记”在后,但在英译文中却应调整。)

­  【2024-22】随着游览多了,年轻人在大城市和著名景点花的时间少了。