

时间:2018-07-06 09:47来源:网络整理 作者:珠海翻译公司 点击:

A. disclosure B. exhibition C. contact D. exposure

A. got off B. pulled down C. dropped off D. broke away

A. delicate B. flexible C. shaky D. tender

D 太多裸露在x光下会导致皮肤烧伤,癌症或许说是侵害身材。disclosure(披露);exhibition(展示);contact(接触);exposure (裸露)

8. the poor reception on your TV is probably due to outside _____.

D 两百多年前美国脱离了大英帝国成为一个独立自主的国度。got off(下车);pulled down(放下);dropped off(缩小); broke away(逃脱)

6. much of the equipment was lying _____ because of a lack of spare parts.

A.superior B. secondary C. inferio D. contrary

B 旧事记者被等待报道切实准确清楚明确的旧事,而对书写和言语的方式的要求则相对主要。superior(优良的);secondary(主要的);inferio(上等的);contrary(雷同的)

A 你的电视接纳不好很能够是由于外面有干扰。interference(干扰);inaccessibility(无奈理解);interruption中缀;irregularity(不规定)

A. interference B.inaccessibility C. interruption D. irregularity

D 家喻户晓,知识是开拓思想不可或缺的条件。incompatible(互不相容);incredible(难以置信);indefinite(不确定的);indispensable(不可短少的)

A 这个酒杯如此易碎,我都不敢坐公交车把它拿回家了。delicate(易碎的);flexible(易蜿蜒的);shaky(摇晃的);tender(软弱的)

C 由于短少备用配件大少数设施都闲置着。helpless(无助的,没用的);vacant (空闲的);idle(闲置的);lonely(寂寞的)

4. it is well known that knowledge is the _____ condition for expansion of mind.


8.Too much _____ to X-ray can case skin burns, cancer or other damage to the body.

2. news writers are expected to be clear and accurate; the form in which they write or speak is _____ to that requirement.

A. dim B. blank C. faint D. vain

B 只要在谈判失败之后政府才会采取武力手腕。use(利用);resort(仰仗);apply(运用);employ(雇佣)

A. helpless B. vacant C. idle D. lonely

0. the latest survey of 60 young couples in that city shows the average cost for a wedding has doubled the _____ of 2086.

4. the wine glasses were so _____ that I was afraid to carry them home by bus .

A. incompatible B. incredible C. indefinite D. indispensable

2. more than two hundred years ago the United States _____ from the British Empire and became an independent country.

20. it was only after the failure of the talks that the government decided to _____ to force.

B 当遇到这样的成绩,珠海翻译机构,我的心就会一片空白,我几乎想不起来本人的生日。dim(乐观的);blank(空白的);faint(虚弱的);vain(虚荣的)

6. when confronted with such questions, my mind goes _____, and I can hardly remember my own date of birth.

A size B. number C. figure D. quantity

C 一项在那个城市中对60对年轻夫妇的考查显示,一场婚礼的平均花费是2086年的两倍。size(尺寸);number(数);figure(数字);quantity(数量)

A. use B. resort C. apply D. employ