
专家说隐形贫穷人口英文怎样翻译 相干短语词汇中英双

时间:2018-05-30 11:39来源:网络整理 作者:珠海翻译公司 点击:

­  2020考研英文翻译天天练:隐形贫穷人口

­  错失恐怖症 fear of missing out (FOMO)

­  选自:中国日报旧事热词榜

­  学好英文翻译肯定要加强练习,掌握不同话题的相干词汇短语和业余表达。新西方在线整顿分享不同话题段落和翻译,20考生留意每天练一练,相信日积月累必然降职翻译才能。

­  量力而行 live within their means

­  请看例句:

­  [相干词汇]

­  The invisible poverty-stricken population, or the invisible poor, refers to people whose consumption exceeds their income. They usually live a quality life and spend a lot of money on food, clothing, gym, spas and other daily expenses, which leaves them little or no money in their bank accounts.

­  被"隐形贫穷人口"扎心之后,网友们举一反三,又借鉴了一波新词。"隐形有钱人口(the invisible rich people)",指有些人看起来每天哭穷祷告暴富,可实践上十分有钱且正在赚大钱(people who claim that they are broke and praying for sudden wealth, but are actually rich and making a lot of money);"隐形单身人口(the invisible single people)",指有些人看起来撩技高明,但实践上根本没谈过恋爱(those who appear to be adept at flirting but have never been in a relationship in real life);"隐形瘦削人口(the invisible overweight people)",指有些人看起来身体失常,但实践上领有20斤的肚子和40斤的屁股(people whose figure appears normal but actually have extra fat in the belly and butt)。好吧,你中了多少枪?



­  "隐形贫穷人口"指那些花的比挣的多的人。他们通常讲究生存品质,在美食、衣服、健身房、水疗按摩以及其余日常支出方面开支很大,银行账户里基本没什么钱。

­  the invisible poor

­  隐形贫穷人口

­  不正当生产 unreasonable consumption

­  近日,"隐形贫穷人口(the invisible poor)"成为了互联网上的盛行词,指的是那些花的比挣得多的人。不只在中国,"隐形贫穷"现象在许多国度都存在,尤其是在年轻人当中。去新开的餐厅尝鲜(enjoy the newest restaurants),紧跟潮流的时兴穿着(wear the latest fashion),或许来个奢华假期(take expensive vacations),哪个方面都不想落后于小同伴(fall behind their friends),年轻人们由此累积了数千美元的债务(pile up thousands of dollars in debt)。

­  理财 money management
