220.[长难句] Article I of the GATT is the celebrated most favored nation clause under which each member nation must give treatment to other member nations’ imports and exports that is at least as favorable as that applied to the most favored nation.
226.[长难句] In a statement before the vote, Chinese Ambassador Sha Zukang said that this was the U. S’s 22th unsuccessful attempt of anti-China bid and if the ridiculous logic of the United States --- which said the human rights situation in China “backslid sharply” held any truth, China would have already backslid to the primitive stage.
228.[长难句] The United States, which has always labeled itself as the guardian of international human rights, has violated human rights and committed serious crimes to Iraqi people by injuring and killing thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians, causing chaos and poverty in Iraq. Enraged by the maltreatment event of Iraqi war prisoners (prisoner abuse) which occurred last week and unveiled U.S’s real nature, they walked to street and shouted “Liberator is cruder than tyrant.”
224.[长难句] From the time when our caveman ancestors gnawed their wild pig bones in front of their smoking fire to our own days when we sit around a table spread with snowy linen and shining silver, we have the history of the change in eating habits from the simple satisfaction of hunger to the meal as a delightful, if rather complex, social institution.
228.[长难句] The United States has turned the sessions of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights into an arena for political confrontation by tabling these anti-China bids, which have poisoned international relations, sabotaged international co-operation in the field of human rights, and run against the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.
[参考译文]只需瞥一眼就能看出这是苏珊.亨.察德已届豆蔻年华的女儿,当生命的仲夏在母亲的脸庞上留下冷漠的印记,而母亲早年春天般的少女风韵又被“光阴”如此奇妙地传递给另一血肉之躯---她的女儿身上,致使母亲所知道的一些家庭隐衷,法语翻译,女儿反而茫然 ,这对知道那些内幕的人来说,似乎人造的遗传仍有其奇怪的毛病。
224.[长难句] During the first three rounds of the talks, the Chinese side made it plain that as the two sides had agreed upon the three principles as the basis for the talks, it believed it is important for the British side to first of all confirm the agreements and understandings previously reached between the two sides, for this was the only way to enable the talks to move on the right track. If it was reluctant to do so and wanted to amend or overturn them, then it would be impossible to ensure compliance of future agreements.
222.[长难句] "The Tempest" is one of the most original and perfect of Shakespeare's production, and he has shown in it all the variety of his powers. It is full of grace and grandeur. The human and imaginary characters the dramatic and grotesque are blended together with the greatest art, and without any appearance. (Hezlet)
[参考译文]美国提出****提案,在联结国****大会上搞政治对抗,这所有违反了联结国宪章所提出的各项准则, 侵害了国内关系,破坏****畛域里的国内协作。
220.[长难句] What the New Yorker would find missing is what many outsiders find oppressive and distasteful about New York---its rawness, tension, urgency; its bracing competitiveness; the rigor of its judgment; and the congested, democratic presence of so many other New Yorkers encased in their own world.
226.[长难句] A glance was sufficient to inform the eye that was Susan Hen Chard's grown-up daughter. While life's middle summer had set its hardening mark on the mother's face, her former spring-like specialities were transferred so dexterously by time to the second figure, her child, that the absence of certain facts within her mother's knowledge from the girl's mind would have seemed for the moment, to one reflecting on those facts to be a curious imperfection in Nature's power of continuity. (Thomas Hardy: "The Mayor of Casterbridge")
222.[长难句] Before the talks started, the two sides reached an understanding on confidentiality of the contents of the talks. Now, without prior consultations with the Chinese side, the British side had published in the White Paper entitled Representative Government in Hong Kong, by which it has unilaterally released the contents of the talks, and in which it has distorted and attacked China's position. This move of Britain was designed to shirk its responsibility for the rupture of the talks. The Chinese side therefore cannot but bring to light the facts in order to help people know the truth.