
看坝上 (连载) 3—坝上人家

时间:2019-11-09 18:44来源:原创 作者:珠海翻译公司 点击:

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一眼知家      细细地去看自然的背后,丛林中的房角,雪地上的足迹,朴实而馨香的稻花。或者你的一眼能告诉哪儿是家……

One glimpse knows home    Have a look at the back of nature, house corners amid the forests, footsteps on the snow ground, unsophisticated but fragrant rice flowers. Or your one glimpse can tell you where the homes lie.
This is a piece of calm and tranquil land, which is passing its time, without boasting and giving up its hope, but rather, gracefully standing in the bustling prosperity. This is a group of spirits of the grassland, which are living quietly, without being dispirited, but leisurely enjoying the warmth and fragrance that belong to them.


At dusk, herds of cows and sheep are heading for home; waving the long whips, the herdsmen are driving their horses home; making a cooking fire, they share the joys and sorrows. Households on the grassland, life on horsebacks, and unique humanity living style grant people limitless imaginations. How can this be comprehended by one glimpse?

Have a look at the back of nature, house corners amid the forests, footsteps on the snow ground, unsophisticated but fragrant rice flowers. Or your one glimpse can tell you where the homes lie.
坝上人家    Households on Bashang


Living scattered on Bashang are such ethnic minorities as Manchu,
Mongol and Han, who are mainly engaged in cattle raising and agricultural farming. The residents are primarily made up of the staff members of mechanical tree farm, Hongshan Army Horse Farm and the nomadic people. Endowed with simple and unsophisticated social life, this area boasts folk customs only found in areas beyond the Great Wall.


Subordinated to Beijing Army District, Hongshan Military Horse Farm is situated in an averaged-sized village. The horse farm must submit a certain number of army horses to Beijing Military District. In the early morning, there are vehicles for procuring sheep coming from administrative division known as Ke Qi. The sheepfolds are enclosed with delicate trunks of white birch, and the herdsmen select the plump sheep from the sheepfolds. The sounds of loudly urges, the baa of sheep and the sound of the whips come now and then, making the environment buzzing with excitement.