珠海零距离翻译:西方餐桌上的礼仪 II
时间:2019-11-10 19:35来源:原创 作者:珠海翻译公司 点击:
珠海市零距离翻译,专注于如航空、生物工程、医药、建筑、法律、电子、计算机、食品、化妆品、旅游等各领域的优质笔译和现场口译服务。电子邮箱:fxy73107 @126.com 13527230669 珠海翻译 珠海翻译公司 珠海翻译机构
不要把大块的食物,诸如牛排或者猪排一次切成很多一小块一小块。 每次只切开一块或两块。 有人觉得肉类菜肴很难切,切起来动作很吃力,那是因为应该把刀子应该靠近叉子使用。 吃完一道肉菜后,应该把刀叉斜斜地放在您的碟子较远的一侧,而不是靠近碟子。 记住,刀叉要永远向自己一边就向内摆放。
Don’t cut large pieces of food, such as steak or chops , into small pieces all at one times. Cut only one or two bites as you eat. Some people find it difficult to cut meat. That is because they don’t use their knives close to the forks. When you have finished eating something, put the knife and fork diagonally on the further side of your plate. Don’t place them leaning on the plate. Always place the knife with the sharp edge in.