欧美国家餐桌基本礼仪 I
时间:2019-11-08 21:07来源:原创 作者:珠海翻译公司 点击:
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珠海翻译 珠海翻译公司
当欧美西方国家女士和男士在家或在外用餐时, 男士应该为女士拉开椅子, 并且看到所有女士均落座时才自己坐下。
When man and woman are eating together, in the home or out of it, the men should pull out the chairs for the ladies and see all ladies are seated before taking their own seats.
如果是在家用餐,各人要等女主人拿起餐巾, 在座的每一个人就应拿起餐巾, 对折后放在自己膝上。
When the hostess takes her napkin, each one at the table opens his napkin in half and lays it across his lap.
使用银器从放置于外侧的开始用起, 第二道菜时使用下一个刀叉。 放置于最靠近碟子的,最后一道菜使用。
When you use silverware, please begin using from the outside piece, then the next knife and fork for the second course and so on. The pieces closest to your plate are for the last dish.